Y Llais - The Voice

At St. Oswald's we take great pride in all our pupil voice groups.
Our Y Llais group is made up of pupils from every class in school. Annual secret ballot elections for Y Llais members are held every academic year, with two members from each class being elected. We then vote for a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and a Secretary within the group. We hold a meeting once a fortnight and set an agenda. During our meetings, we discuss fund raising ideas and charities to support throughout the year as well as any other topic that may arise during the year. We listen to suggestions made by our peers and discuss these during our meetings to further improve our school.
At the end of the year we report to the Governing body where we share what we have achieved throughout the year by providing a comprehensive presentation at the Full Governing Body Meeting in the summer.
Last year, we raised money for Dogs4Wildlife and Hope MS Centre.
'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'