PE and games take place weekly. The PE equipment is good and pupils are encouraged to use it under supervision and reach their own full potential.
Boys and girls are encouraged to participate in a range of team games including football, netball, rugby and hockey. In summer, pupils play cricket, rounders, golf and athletics including a school sports day. All pupils are encouraged to do their best to improve gradually and to enjoy themselves.
We fully participate in cluster organised sporting team events, including cross country.
Swimming takes place in Tenby Swimming pool on a Tuesday afternoon. The school holds a infants and junior swimming gala and pupils from the school take part in the Pembrokeshire Schools Gala.

To stimulate pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in music.
To develop an appreciation of all types of music and actively encourage participation in musical activities.
To provide the opportunity for a wide variety of instrumental tuition.
To promote the strong choral tradition within the school.
Music is taught as part of the National Curriculum and pupils receive tuition from peripatetic staff. We can offer tuition for most instruments excluding guitar and piano.
A parental contribution of £80 per year
'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'