Starting school is an exciting and important occasion for children and at St. Oswald’s V A School and we do all we can to ensure that transition from home to school is made in an atmosphere of security and confidence for both pupils and parents.
During the term before your child starts school, we will invite you to join us for a parent meeting. This provides you with the opportunity to see the school, meet the teachers and ask questions concerning what we do and the way we work. The following day, children will have their taster morning in class. This is an important introduction to school life, as they will have the opportunity to spend time with their class teacher, join in with normal school activities and experiences and get to know other pupils.
Parents are also asked to complete a Child Information Form that must be handed in on the morning of the visit. PLEASE RECORD ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS / REQUIREMENTS ON THIS FORM, also there are permission forms for certain activities that happen during the school year to sign.
St. Oswald’s V A School is a Church School
St. Oswald’s V A School is a church school with strong links with Jeffreyston and Lawrenny Churches. Pupils are educated within a framework which is firmly based on Christian principals. The local ministers take a whole school assembly regularly and the pupils are invited to attend Sunday services and Sunday school.
School uniform is strongly encouraged. It gives each pupil a sense of belonging and identity. We do encourage all pupils to wear it when out on school visits. The uniform consists of a green sweatshirt, a yellow polo shirt, skirts or trousers in black or grey: girls may wear a summer dress during the summer months. The uniform is available form Tees-R-Us at New Hedges or Wheelers Embroidery, Yerbeston, Cresselly. The children participate in P.E. activities on certain days and should bring to school suitable clothing—trainers, tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt.
All clothing, coats, PE kit uniform and personal belongings should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
Breaktime and Lunchtime
Pupils up to Year 2 are entitled to a 1/3rd pint of free milk each morning at Break time (please let us know if your child is lactose intolerant) pupils are also encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit from home.
If pupils stay in school for the afternoon playgroup, school dinners, cooked on the premises, are available. Pupils may have a school dinner or bring a healthy packed lunch to eat in the dining hall. A menu of the terms lunches is given out at the beginning of the Summer Term and at the beginning of the Winter Term. Pembrokeshire County Council are cashless and you can pay for school dinners via their online system. Pupils who are in school full time (term after they turn 4) are entitled to free school lunches. At present, nursery pupils are not entitled to a free school lunch and so children staying for playgroup are required to pay if they wish to have school lunch. Families who may be entitled to Free School Meals can also download a form from the councils web site.
School hours and home time arrangements.
School begins at 9am. Pupils are asked not to arrive before 8.50 unless they are booked in for breakfast club which starts at 8am with breakfast being served between 8.10am and 8.30am. Pupils arriving after 8.30am will not be able to have breakfast.
The school morning ends at 11.30am. Pupils are to be picked up at this time at the Early Years door, unless they are staying for Playgroup.
If for any reason you need to make alternative arrangements for picking your child up e.g. you have arranged for them to go home with a friend or an other member of your family PLEASE notify the school office either by letter or phone call.
If your child is on medication there is a form you need to fill out with the details of when where etc. If this form has not been completed the staff will not be able to give your child the medication. Parents may come to school to administer a lunchtime dose if necessary.
If pupils require medication for Asthma or any other condition that requires long term daily medication please speak to the Headteacher to discuss your child’s requirements.
If any money is to be paid to school please put in a clearly labelled envelope with your child’s name, class and what the payment is for.
School Visits
Visits are organised each term as an important extension to class work. These visits provide pupils with first hand experiences, which complement their school work. All visits are carefully planned with preparation and follow up work being done in class. They are an important part of the curriculum and all pupils are expected to take part. Parents are informed in advance of any visit and are asked to complete a consent form and are invited to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost.
When you take a place at St. Oswald’s v A School there is an expectation that your child attends school regularly and that expectation is 95%.
Parent interviews
Parents are kept informed of the progress their child makes through formal Parent Interviews. However if there is any issue that you wish to discuss at any time please ask for a meeting with your child’s teacher or contact them via Class Dojo. A full written report of your child’s progress is sent out in the latter part of the Summer Term usually July.
Children who have Additional Learning Needs
All pupils may experience difficulties at some time. Wherever possible these are catered for by the Class Teacher within the classroom.
All providers of education of the Early Years age group (3 to 5) must follow the Code Of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Additional Learning Needs. If the Class Teacher has any concerns parents will be invited into school to discuss the provision that will be in the best interests of the child.
Further assessment may take place to provide more detailed information to help plan the appropriate teaching for the child. Parents are then kept informed of the progress their child makes through frequent meetings with the Class Teacher.
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress do not hesitate to contact your child’s Class Teacher who will be pleased to discuss and advise on how you can support your child at home.
Before starting school
Parents have an important role. You are your child’s first teacher. Before your child starts school it would be useful if you can:-
· Encourage your child to use the toilet as independently as possible. A change of clothes in their school bag is advised.
· Talk positively to your child about going to school.
· Accustom your child to being away from you.
· Help your child to become independent when dressing—especially putting on their coat.
· Encourage your child to tidy away toys away when they have finished playing with them.
· Encourage your child to socialise with other children/family members.
· Encourage your child to express their personal needs and feelings.
What can I do to support my child’s learning at home?
This is a question many parents ask, so here are a few suggestions that might prove helpful..
* Look at books together for pleasure.
* Read bedtime stories.
* Discuss the stories, predict what might happen next before you turn the page.
* Sing nursery rhymes and songs together.
* Listen to CD’S of favourite fairy tales, songs, rhymes.
* Talk to your child about every day activities.
* Allow children to explore their creative skills through drawing, painting, colouring, using playdoh
* Encourage role play and dressing up games.
* play simple board games that encourage children to take turns. Orchard toy games are very popular with children in class..
*Use lower case, precursive letters if you are writing for your child, use a capital letter only for the first letter of their name and at the beginning of a sentence. A copy of precursive letters can be shared by the class teacher if you wish to have a copy.
* Encourage your child to identify the beginning of sounds e.g. games like eye spy.
¨ Sort and match toys by colour or shape etc.
¨ Use every day situations to develop mathematical language, more than, less than, total, heavier, lighter, full, empty, tallest, shortest etc.
¨ Money—let your child have the opportunity to handle small amounts of money in real situations, discuss things like—do we have enough, how much more do we need, should we have change etc.
¨ Time—encourage your child to be familiar with the days of the week and what routine is on each day, discuss the different activities you do at different times of the day.
¨ Cook together, this is a great opportunity for counting, measuring and weighing.
¨ Point out the different shapes in the environment.
¨ Sing number songs together e.g. 10 green bottles / 10 fat sausages / 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive...etc.
¨ Let your child play with and investigate different sizes and shapes of bottles and containers in the water (bath time) investigate how many cupful's of water the tea pot holds / which shaped bottle holds the most water etc.
The above suggestions are far from conclusive and we are sure that you have valuable ideas of your own to add.
When your child becomes a full time nursery pupil (term after their 4th birthday) they will participate in swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon at Tenby Swimming Pool.
Swimming is part of the school curriculum and therefore mandatory. If for any reason your child cannot participate please speak to the Head Teacher directly.

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'