Healthy Heroes
As Health and Well-being Ambassadors, our aim is to develop the healthy bodies and healthy minds of all at St. Oswald's. We will do this by organising events that will encourage physical and emotional activities to support living a healthy life-style.
Last year, we organised the daily mile, where all classes completed the daily mile at different times within the school day.
This year, we also hope to work with outside agencies such as Sport Pembrokeshire to support us develop positive attitudes to health and well-being.

We are fully committed to the Health Promoting Schools Scheme. The school has been successfully reassessed every two years to ensure that the healthy practices are further embedded and continually developing.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been imperative to ensure the mental health and well-being of our children and staff are healthy and ready to settle back into a routine. In our class bubbles, we ensure that every child has an opportunity to speak with the class to share any news they may have as well as having the opportunity to speak quietly to an adult if they would prefer. We complete daily check-in sessions in school where we are able to gauge how the children are feeling in themselves. Our teachers ensure the children have peer interactions not only during their break times but within collaborative lesson times and during their lunch when eating. It is crucial that children have these times to socialise and bond together.
At St Oswald’s, we work hard to promote ourselves as an active, healthy school full of energetic children with an admiration to persevere. The school has an array of sports clubs after school which promotes the importance to keep healthy and try something new! Each class has a weekly Health and Well-Being session where they can use our extensive grounds and outdoor area to focus on their PE topic for the term. As well as this, the children enjoy walking or running a mile a day during the school day. Recently, as a school, we set ourselves a challenge by the Summer holidays to walk to Nepal (our link school) which was 4,666 miles in total. The children thoroughly enjoyed participating in this and understood the health benefits as well.
In line with the New Curriculum, St Oswald’s VA School also offers an extensive range of cross curricular activities linking to the outdoors to ensure the children are outdoors as much as possible. Each class has a dedicated day for outdoor learning known as Muddy Monday or Forest Friday.
All food and drink prepared for the children during school time and After School Club follows Pembrokeshire County Council healthy eating guidelines. During breaktimes we have a ‘fruit only’ policy. Children may either purchase a piece of fruit from our ‘Fruit Tuckshop’ or bring their own from home. We ask parents of children who bring a packed lunch to school to make every effort to ensure that the packed lunch contains a healthy eating and drinking selection. This is consistent with our Health Promoting Policy.
Drinking plenty of cold, fresh water helps to develop concentration skills and the well-being of the individual. We ensure that our children have access to cold, fresh drinking water throughout the school day. In addition to fresh water, we supply semi-skimmed milk which is an excellent mid-morning drink as it provides a nutritional boost and keeps children hydrated between breakfast and lunch; helping them to concentrate, learn and play.
Health and Well-Being of the whole school community is a key aspect of good and best practice at St. Oswald’s VA School.
Useful Websites
Click on images to visit
Healthy Lunchbox Recipes
The Eatwell Guide
How to was your hands - Guide
'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'