Governors of St. Oswald’s V A School
Election of Parent Governors
Arrangements are made for the election of parent governors one school term before a parent governor’s term of office expires, or on receipt of a resignation. Information about the election is sent to parents via pupil post.
Etholiad Rhiant-lywodraethwyr
Gwneir trefniadau ar gyfer ethol rhiant-lywodraethwyr un tymor cyn i gyfnod swydd rhiant-lywodraethwr ddod i ben, neu pan fydd rhiant-lywodraethwr yn ymddiswyddo. Anfonir gwybodaeth ynglÅ·n â’r etholiad drwy law’r disgyblion.
Chairperson: Mrs K. Jones
Diocesan: Rev. John R Cecil
Local Authority: Mr J. Williams
Community: Mrs H. McLeod-Baikie
Mr S. Williams
Mrs E. Nicholas
Mrs J. Cole
Mrs E. Thomas
Mrs R. Wilson
Mr R. Patel
Parent: Mr J. Parkin
Teacher: Mrs C. Rees
Staff: Mrs J. Harts
Headteacher: Mr M. Scale
If anyone would like to see our Governing Body minutes then this can be done by sending a request in writing to the Headteacher, Mr Scale.

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'