Dosbarth Willow

Year 1 & 2

Mrs. James

Mrs Barrett/Miss Natalie
Mrs. Arthur
Class Teacher
Croeso i Ddosbarth Willow!
Our whole school topic this Autumn term is 'Let's Celebrate!'
Our values this term are 'Friendship' and 'Wisdom'.
Please click on the image below to access our topic plan for the term.
Important information for parents/carers of Dosbarth Willow
PE - The children will need their kit on a MONDAY for this term. Please label and bring joggers, a jumper, t shirt and trainers for children to change into.
Wellbeing Wednesday – children should come to school in their PE kit on a Wednesday as we aim to do activities to improve our physical and mental wellbeing on this day.
Darllen - We encourage you to read daily with your child at home as well as going through their letters and sounds, tricky words and high frequency words. We will also listen to children read in school and adjust their reading levels if appropriate.
Wet Wether Clothing - We regularly work outside in our wonderful outdoor area. Children need to bring in wet weather gear at the beginning of the term for all our outdoor learning.
Class Dojo - We make good use of the Class Dojo to communicate with you at home as well as displaying all the wonderful learning that takes place in and outside of our class.
Amser Snac – We have snack time before break where all children are able to have milk. Please label your child’s fruit and/or pot.
Homework – Homework is set half termly with an activity to cover each Area of Learning and Experience in relation to our topic, our maths focus and literacy focus. Children should complete one activity per fortnight, or more if they would like to. The homework activities have been sent home but if they are to be misplaced, they can also be found on Class Dojo. Please post their work to Hwb or bring it in for me to see. I would love to display some of their hard work on our working walls!
Forest Friday – Every Friday morning, we explore our outdoor environment and complete our learning activities outside in nature. Children can come to school in outdoor clothing and wellies. ​
Phonics - Phonics is a method for teaching people how to read and write an alphabetic language. It is done by demonstrating the relationship between the sounds of the spoken language, and the letters or groups of letters or syllables of the written language. The children have 4 20-minute phonic sessions a week in small groups. Children are assessed throughout each term to monitor progress. These sessions are done through a fun and engaging approach with a mini spelling assessment at the end of each week.
Facebook – We will be posting about our learning every Tuesday on the school Facebook page - St Oswald’s VA Primary School and also on Twitter - @YsgolSantOswallt.
Please click the buttons below to access our social media accounts.

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'