St. Oswald’s School has a very positive behaviour culture. We are very proud of the
excellent behaviour of our children who are frequently praised by visitors and when visiting other places for their beautiful manners and general behaviour.
Good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching and learning to take place and we work very hard to ensure that standards of behaviour are very high.
We expect children at St. Oswald’s School to be courteous and polite, always give their maximum effort and to develop a sense of pride and caring attitude towards their environment and towards each other. The expectations of the Head Teacher and his staff of high standards of behaviour, and the examples the children are set by adults in the school and at home will help them to develop courtesy, good manners and respect for others.
The most meaningful and positive form of discipline is self-discipline. We work hard at St. Oswald’s School to instill a strong sense of self discipline in our children. We use a Restorative Practice approach to deal with all behaviour incidents in a positive way in order to deliver a positive outcome.
Children of all ages are encouraged to behave sensibly and older children are encouraged to adopt a caring attitude towards younger ones. Particular emphasis is placed on good manners, orderly movement about the school, taking care of our school environment and caring for others. The school seeks to promote self-discipline and proper regard for authority and respect for others.
We believe that in an environment where staff are friendly and fair, yet firm, where there is positive encouragement for the learner, where achievement is recognized, where self dignity, self-esteem and a good self image is nurtured and fostered then children will always grow in confidence and esteem and ‘Be all they can be'. This is the cornerstone of our ethos at St. Oswald’s School.

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'